Little River Enhancement Group

This page is hosted by the Canada South Land Trust to provide a place for like-minded community members to connect with the Lil’ Reg.

187.74 hectares of Airport Lands Proposed to be Developed

The following information is copied from the City of Windsor’s website:
3200 County Road 42, 0 County Road 42, and 0 Jefferson Boulevard

(Airport Employment Lands)

Applicant: City of Windsor
Agent: Dillon Consulting (Amy Farkas)

File No: OPA 177 (OPA/7118) & Z-0027/23 (ZNG/7117)

The City of Windsor has initiated amendments to the Official Plan and zoning by-laws 85-18 and 8600 to permit employment uses on 187.74 hectares of land located within the vicinity of the Windsor International Airport. The application requests a change to Official Plan Schedule D: Land Use from ‘Future Employment Area,’ ‘Airport,’ and ‘Open Space’ to ‘Industrial’ and ‘Business Park.’

The application also requests removal of the subject lands from Zoning By-law 85-18, which are currently zoned Institutional (I), and the amendment of Zoning By-law 8600 to apply a Manufacturing District 2.2 (MD2.2) and Manufacturing District 1.4 (MD1.4) to Phase 1 and H-Manufacturing District 2.2 (HMD2.2) to Phase 2. (See Conceptual Development Plan.)

The requested amendments would permit a wide range of employment uses (e.g. industrial, warehouse, office, and service commercial). The proposed amendments would also establish a special policy area to address development constraints and requirements related to airport operations (e.g. building and structure height limits, stormwater management requirements for dry ponds, required consultation with Nav Canada, etc.).

The conceptual development plan is subject to change. The proposed development is subject to site plan control.

Associated Documents:

  • Application – Official Plan Amendment
  • Application – Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Conceptual Development Plan
  • Planning Rationale Report
  • Transportation Impact Brief
  • Functional Servicing Report
  • Stormwater Management Servicing Strategy
  • Species at Risk (SAR) Considerations Memo
  • OPA 177, OPA-7118 – Schedule A
  • OPA 177, OPA-7118 – Schedule D
  • Z-027/23, ZNG-7117 – Zoning Map
  • Z-027/23, ZNG-7117 & OPA 177, OPA-7118 – Key Map
  • Z-027/23, ZNG-7117 & OPA 177, OPA-7118 – Neighbourhood Map

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Greg Atkinson, MCIP, RPP
Manager of Development Planning/Deputy City Planner
Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
2nd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1
Phone: 519-255-6543 ext. 6582